Friday, January 07, 2005

blah. j-term

ah J-Term. my favorite time of the month of january. i suppose that if i'm going to be forced to come back to school and take a completely frivolous class, there is really no other class that i would want to take. or actually i suppose there is. whatever. this is dumb mediocrity and no one wants to read about it anyway.

i think that someone needs to invent a photograph of the spoken word. something that perfectly captures the moment of innocence, or anger, or humor but without raping the moment of it's originality.

today i chipped ice off of my car. there was a lot. i enjoyed it. it was relaxing. like when you were in elementary school and you would spread elmer's glue on your hand and let it dry just so you could peel it off.

i think i'm only updating this because i fear for my life. i think that carla might slit my throat if i do not. but i don't really think that she realizes that i have not done anything since returning to school. at least nothing worth writing about.

i got an email from michindoh about a get together to meet the new guy up there, for staff who want to return. i'm not going back this summer, or next, and probably not ever again. it makes me kind of sad that i won't get the opportunity to hang out with some of my camp buddies, but honestly it's kind of liberating at the same time. i'm moving on. that's fun, and terrifying, and exhilarating, all at the same time. i'm pretty excited about the idea of working at a camp that i have never been to and do not know anyone who has ever been there either. i can't wait to be finished with school and official be free enough to be free. yeah.

i have an exam tomorrow that i haven't begun to study for, i think i should like maybe go prepare for it. or maybe go to bed or something. i don't know. this doesn't seem to be a good beginning to a new year. oh well i suppose that nothing ever really changes with me, and that new year's resolutions are just some sort of marketing tactic employed by walmart and target to try to get the american population to change what the don't like about themselves (and in some cases what the cherish most about themselves) by spending millions of dollars on equipotent, self-help books, and nicotine supplements. it's a good thing that i don't buy into like self actualization or like new years resolutions or like being the best that you can be. i'm too poor for that. instead i think that i will set a new years resolution to burn things.

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