Sunday, December 19, 2004


today i realized why it is that i don't go to church when i come home.

it opened with a...."So my theory is that all this anti-christmas/christian opposition is stemming from the great pro-Bush christian turn out at the polls this year. The ACLU is making an extra effort by trying to ban Christ based Christmas songs and nativitys this year because never before have they felt threatened by Christianity"....i believe i whispered something to my little brother something about that being crap, and something about those thoughts being with the ACLU from it's conception.

the sermon was about keeping the spirit of christmas everyday. he opened with a "Now no where in the bible does Christ ask us to commemorate his birth, but his death...[with me mumbling..."and his resurrection...and his resurrection...and his resurrection!...again a chuckle from my bro]. Of course this statement was quickly followed by..."So when we celebrate christmas lets be sure to keep these 7 points in mind....oh and by the way it has nothing to do with anything that i wanted to talk about. (Ok so that last part my have been me...but it's really what he wanted to say!). half way through the sermon i realized that the church no longer partakes in the advent service any more....but the did have a lovely christmas tree! i believe that this realization may have spurred some comment about these people having their heads up their butts and being completely unaware of anything that is really going on. but don't worry i'm not like one of those cynical Christians who think or anything like that.

i stumbled across this post today. i find it rather interesting that someone else seems to feel somewhat like i do regarding some of these issues. i've decided that christmas is not only too commercialized, and too political, but the WASPs who are so pro-the reason for the season, seem to have forgotten what it is.

so as a result i have decided that in fact i am right. more right than some people and perhaps more wrong than others. but mostly right. yeah. and cheap so don't expect christmas presents. unless of course you get me something because then i will get you something. but don't worry my feelings will have nothing to do with the commercialization of Christ and or christmas, or of good will or love, but of obligation and guilt.

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