Friday, December 17, 2004

home sweet home.

i haven't felt that way in quite a while. actually i haven't even wanted to be in this part of the state since i graduated from high school. but i'll have to admit, there is something sort of relaxing and relieving about being back in Oak Harbor. Never ever in my entire life did i think that i would say that, especially in the past two years. crazy two years. that's how long it's been since my family has ceased to exist. but i find it to be kind of interesting how i seem to have a new family emerging. one with my mom. one with my dad. one with my brothers. one with my roomies. it's like i live four separate lives, and non of them can co-exist. it makes it kind of hard, but kind fun at the same time.

i spent last night with mom. we watched a movie at like (oh a cute little boy just looked at me...he almost ran into a book rack! ha! that would have been really cute...i hope that i have a kid that cute someday!).....where was i, oh yeah we watched the princess diarys 2 and talked. eric skipped his last day of school. something about his glands, or maybe it was something about my dad being amazing and letting him play hookie...i can't remember. that little kid is growing up too fast. i don't care if he 6'2" and 16 years old, he will always be my little brother.

dad and i are going to detroit to have breakfast with cory tomorrow, that should be fun. i miss that kid. i'm glad he finally decided that we were cool enough to be in his life! my big brother is great, i just never realized it before.

the trip back from huntington yesterday was by far the funniest trip of my college years. unfortunately think brett has finally realized just how unstable i am. and if someone could tell me why it is so funny to say BANANA MANHATTAN, i would appreciate it---*note*: to get the full effect, BANANA MANHATTAN must be spoken out loud in an accent. the type of accent doesn't just must not be in your own voice.---BANANA MANHATTAN!

ok enough of this jr. high diarying.

i think that when i become an axe murderer with a rusty spoon, i will not do this.

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