Sunday, October 31, 2004


It's a lazy Sunday in October. But not just any day in October...the last day of October. It seems crazy to think that tomorrow is the first of November. Where did this semester go? It feels like I just moved in yesterday, like camp just finished two days ago. Like I just graduated from High School last week. Crazy how time continues on when we try everything in our power to stop it. Sometimes I think that our society is too concerned with stopping time, or even worse, turning it back. There seem to be so many opportunities to change who you are, to be a better-younger you. It's seems like craziness to me. But I guess that if I really think hard about it, I suppose that I spend a large portion of my life trying to fight time. I don't really know how I do though, I suppose mostly through denial. But maybe someday I will take a pro-active approach, and go to a Clock repair shop with a baseball bat and beat the crap out of time. Then I would be the ultimate warrior, and time would never wreck havoc on me again!....Okay so maybe what would really happen is this: I would walk into the clock shop and start whomping on those manky cuckoo clocks, until a bulbous looking store clerk came over and asked me if I would like some help. He of course would simply be running interference for the police who would storm in with their night sticks and laughing gas and hull me away to prison where I would sit and rot for fifty years. And time would stand still, and nothing would change and I would live in my cement cell until I turned 71 and died, and I would have truly conquered time. From now on you can just call me "Jamie, The ULTIMATE TIME WARRIOR!....GRRR!".

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