Friday, February 11, 2005

Oh Dear Sweet Virginia!

*on a previous conversation regarding the Virginia State Flag*

jmebarrett: so kade and i argued for about 20 minutes about whether or not it was actually a boob....until i provided some irrefutalbe evidence
jmebarrett: but then he trumped me by telling me he was more amazing than i lost the debate
jmebarrett: cheap shot i think
Pigtales84: he was more amazing than who?
jmebarrett: than me
jmebarrett: either that or the Virginia flag chick with her boob sticking out
jmebarrett: but i think that she might have him on that one
jmebarrett: it takes some real balls to have your boob displayed to the world...except of course she doesn't have balls because she has boobs....although i suppose she could have boobs and balls....but that would make me see Virginia in an entirely different crap i forgot the point of what i was saying
jmebarrett: you can make one up and pretend that it was a good point

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