Saturday, May 01, 2004

i'm at the end of my i'm going to hang myself!

i have had it with these dorms!!!!! GRRRRRR! first we have warm water whenever the hot water heater feels like working. then someone cooks their popcorn for at least a half hour and we lose our microwave. we've had a water balloon thrown at our window in the middle of the night: now our screen pops out. the stinking guy upstairs has a basket ball hoop in his room and plays at midnight. the ladies next door choose to be loud when i choose to sleep. and to top it off! someone just through a rock at our window and broke it!!!!!!! i am fed up!!! Praise the Lord! i get to live in the forester apartments next year.....only two weeks left....only two weeks left....only two weeks left....only two weeks left....only two weeks left.......*mumbling incoherently*........

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