Saturday, May 08, 2004

highlights from this weekend:

-Stitch: "Did you know that a magnum is also a gun?"
-Seeing Saca-J and Parkay and Zippo and Thriller and Uno and.......
-Meeting new people!......there were even a couple of HCer's!
-playing volleyball with stitch (who knew that "EEK" could be so funny?!)
-Stitch hitting HERSELF in the face with the volleyball......followed by Trigger hitting himself in the knee with the volleyball(it must run in the family!)......and then of course pelting Vanessa in the face!
-Beating their team 15-0; 15-2; 15-11.....GO US!
-"It's been genetically proven that if your parents can't have kids you most likely wont either"......that's right another stitch moment was close at hand! (are we seeing a pattern here?)
-The cynical "straw ride" with Magnum, Shooter, and Saca-J.....and everyone else
-Talking with Saca until 3 in the am
-FREE pizza! Yeah baby!
-Playing Apples to Apples....oh Cleaver!
-Playing endless games of knock out...
-Scoops remote controlled pop machine....
-Just plain being at Michindoh!

I'm so excited for this summer!

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