Thursday, May 06, 2004

Another cut and paste from my Xanga site...


i'm so excited that it is finally Thursday....all week my internal calander has been off, but it's made for a very interesting week! Tomorrow is friday...and can i just say that i'm exicted? no? well too bad! I'm excited! not only will i get to take another exam early...but i'm also going to the Michindoh Staff Retreat! I'm going to take Vanessa up with me (from The WU (that's indiana weslyian university for those of you who were wondering!)..).....I've never met her before, but it'll be fun to get to know her before staff training in a few weeks. I'm really excited too see all of my camp "buddies" from last summer.....It'll be really different without Capt., and Oops, and Klondike there this year.....but I'm sure that Scoop and Birdie will do an amazing job....not to mention the fact that the other core counselors for this summer are amazing people......I just can't wait to see what God has in store for us this summer! I really hope Zipps and Timber will be there tomorrow, i really miss them.....we really should have mad a better effort to get together this semester....oh well. i guess it's like they say.....hind sight is 20/20. So i just realized that any one who is not educated about Michindoh, probably thinks i'm crazy.......these arent' imaginary people i'm talking about....they're camp names....i have one's Ditto, if you want to know why i'll tell you......i also just realized that i use these .........'s alot.....hmmm....i wonder what that's all about. I'm pretty sure that this is the most random entry that i have ever made....well actually maybe not, but i'm just really excited so i wanted to put it on paper...or rather screen! I hope that all of my fans have an amazing day! it's so gorgeous outside~85 degrees. remind me why i'm sitting inside in the AC wearing a sweatshirt? You don't know? well neither do i! maybe i'll go outsid now......ok I'm done. That's all folks. there's no more to be seen......why are you still reading this? why am is till typing this? that's it.....this is the end.....hey it's like that matthew west song. what's it called? oh yeah, the end......that's because this is the end....really now stop reading! I MEAN IT! leave....ok i'm outty!

haha bet you thought i was serious......well that's because i am serious......bye!

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