Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I can't believe that this semester is drawing to a close. It seems like just days ago that I was unloading my my car and moving into a room that hadn't been lived in for weeks. Like just yesterday that I was starting my first day of classes. And now it's over. My (first semester) of my sophomore year is over. I've learned a little, I've lived a little, I've loved a little, and I've lost a little. All in All I think that this has been an experience un like one that I will ever have again.

I experienced the Joy and Frustration of working with the Ladies in Financial aid. I took a peak into the mind of Dr. Woodruff--and ran for the hills screaming. I have started and renewed friendships that will hopefully continue to grow and prosper. I've argued with Jesse Brown over Forester Village more times than I would like to admit. I've studied lots, and studied not quite enough. I've been an el-ed major, a youth ministries major, a YM and Recreation management DOUBLE major, and finally just a plain old Rec Management major (not all in one semester but pretty close).

Who knows what this summer will fully hold...I just know that I will get to minister to kids, to play with them, and to love them. However God chooses to unfold this summer will be just as exciting of an adventure as the last twelve months have.

Next year I'm hoping and praying for a little more stability, a little more assurance, a LOT more organization, and a little more focus. Well I doubt that I'll be adding anything to this for a very LONG time.....So in the mean time, as my dad always says......"Grow in Grace".


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