Saturday, October 11, 2008

Nobody Knows Me At All

i'm digging the weepies right now.
digging. do people still say that? apparently, since i just did. but perhaps it's not meant to be used any more, in which case, i should stop singing it. singing it? saying it. i wonder if there is a way to embed just one song. like a youtube video. hmmm. perhaps on i'm going to look into it, and if so i'll share some weepies with you.

ok, so i couldn't find just the song, so i've decided to settle for youtube. and the video i could find for the song i'm actually listening to, Citywide Rodeo, is set to a montage of baseball moments. dumb. actually all of the videos are fan-based, and they all suck. so instead of putting up a video based on song merit, i'm putting it up based on visual content. and this one sucks the least. actually i kind of like it. anyway, these are the weepies, and i like them.

so that's that.

i can't sleep again. that's not actually true. i did sleep. i just woke up. at the ungodly hour of 6 am. bollocks. i was hoping to sleep until i had to wake up. instead i slept until i woke up. that's annoying.

no major plans for the weekend. i'm going to watch some friends play football, and read in the park, and then ditch both to go to a flea market. sounds kind of fun. i haven't been to a flea market in, well probably years. but i'm not expecting to find much. this is silver spring we're talking about. probably just over priced crap that the richies didn't want lying around anymore. but maybe not. maybe there will be good finds. or good reads. i love finding books at flea markets. it's like a treasure hunt. a treasure hunt that you have to pay for. but none the less.

this is an incredibly disconnected, rambling post. i guess that's what you get from me at 6 in the morning. or rather 7:41. damn this morning has gone quickly. and yet nothing of real consequence has passed by my lips, or fingers for that matter.

i suppose i could talk about politics. but honestly i don't really give a damn. that's a lie. i do. just not right now.

or a book. but i talk about those all the time, and no one really cares anyway.

lately i've been wishing that i had conversations with people that could pick up on the book and movie references that i drop all the time. it would be rather uplifting to share thoughts on those sorts of things. instead when i do, i typically get a "what are you talking about?" or "what's that from". most recently that was followed up with "it's from that video i've been obsessed with for like the past month. i've told you about it. haven't i? i talk about it all the time." always reassuring and uplifting to know that the thoughts and passions that i share with others are actually given some amount of credence. it's a little depressing to think about it. i need new friends. or friends in general. friends that actually give a fuck about you and aren't so absorbed in their own god damn lives that they can't see you crumbling to bits right before their eyes.

oh well, so it goes.

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