Friday, July 29, 2005

i'm ready for school to start. i'm ready to be close to my friends. to study. to graduate. the boys are loud. they are laughing a lot. and now they are clapping. i sort of want to go see what it is about. but not enough to get up. it's late and i'm tired, but i don't think that i could sleep. too much to think about. this week has been crazy...not bad, just crazy.

eric and matt are coming tomorrow. i don't really know how to entertain them yet. but i'm sure that we can work something out.

now the boys are the computer, not at each other. but if they were yelling at each other, i think that i would go watch. that would be something to see. perhaps something that i have seen before, but something none the less.

i read the news today. i haven't done that in a while. it was depressing. apparently the world keeps spinning when i'm not involved. i wish someone had told me this sooner, it might have alleviated a lot of stress.

in other news: MY FEET STINK. not a new occurrence, but strange because i have been wearing sandals all summer.

he was my pal,
he was my friend,
but now he's gone,
and that's the end!

the moral of,
this little tale,
if you see a worm,
just don't in hale!

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