Friday, July 08, 2005

and this is how it should be.

week 5. very nearly over.
week 6. about to begin.
weird. it seems so strange to think that this summer has reached its peak and now things are on the down swing. i don't know what to think yet. i think i need to sit and write it all down. to think, and stew, and evaluate what has happened thus far. i don't think that i can right now. not because there's no time, but because i have no mental capabilities. i have the sudden urge to write a poem. but i don't think that i will. i have tried to about 27 times in the past few weeks. but nothing has come out. my creativity is gone. my objectiveness is gone. it's all the same. never changing. i need to get some perspective. maybe i should buy a news paper...catch up with the rest of the world. I'm in yet another bubble. the kind where you are disconnected and discombobulated. the kind where everyone is always the same. where the drama never varies. where the questions and the feelings and the sarcasm and the cynicism are continuous. that's a bubble right? but if you think about it everyone lives in a bubble. nothing beyond this planet. always with the same wars, and the same fights, and the same tears, and the same blessings. so maybe being in a bubble is ok. or maybe it isn't. i have know idea what i'm typing. blabbering. blah. maybe that's always what it is though. hmm. parents are coming and i want to take a shower. i think i'm going to go do that now. i have time. why waste it here? on line? thinking? blah.

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