Friday, September 24, 2004

don't ever walk in front of an elephant during allergy season. and never walk behind an elephant during intestinal disorder season.

my throat hurts. i don't like it. i just realized that i have an exam tomorrow. and then i realized that it's midnight. looks like it'll be a late night.

i think that it would be amazing to be a stand up comedian. i don't think that i'm funny enough though. tonight my roommate told me that i'm funny. but i think that in order to make a living out of it, i'd have to believe that i was funny. oh well i guess i'll just stick to this school thing. which might not go too well if i don't get to studying.

yesterday my friend kade asked me where i get my quotes for my away messages. i was delightfully surprised to discover that someone enjoyed them, and i think that he was delightfully surprised to discover that i came up with them. today i was delightfully surprised to discover that he had put one into his profile. i think it has been a week full of delightful surprises.

i made a new friend today. his name is buddy, i met him at walmart. i found him to be utterly enchanting. i brought him home with me. now he lives in my room. he makes me happy, i think that he will be one addition to our apartment that my roommates will tolerate. you should come visit him. and me too. you, yes you that's who i'm talking too. no there is no one behind you. i'm talking to you . you should come visit me.

my current thought from is still a thought for today. although our phone rang tonight. it was not for me. it's never for me. oh well, i think i'll just become a hermit, and live in a cave in the woods. that way i can make friends with all of the woodland creatures before i shoot them and skin them and make them in to a lovely stew.

mmmm, stew. i had stew for dinner. it wasn't woodland creature stew, but it was equally delightful. it's still midnight. i wish i could roll back time. i find it more thrilling to write in fragments. it really adds to the feel of the page. it makes it more me.

i feel melodramatic right now. today i said that the food in the hub was monochromatic. carla didn't think that was the word i wanted to use. but it was. and the food was monochromatic. it was all brown. pretty boring. the entire environment was monochromatic today. even the people there. it was boring. my life is boring. but boring is stable and i like stability.

i went to a stable this summer. the horse was really big. it's feet were bigger than my face. all i could think about was how bad it would be if that horse decided to step on me. or sit on me. or crap on me. that would suck. mmmmm.....warm road apple pie.

i think i'm in need of psychiatric help. it's a good thing that both of my roommates are psych majors. otherwise other peolple would have to listen to me. they would think that i'm crazy.

kari visited today. it was really good to see her. i'm glad she's doing well. i miss fish feet.

this is a long blog.

i feel melodramatic. but that's ok. everybody has their days. i feel like i'm getting sick. not just physically but psychologically too. i wonder if you can get a psychological virus. i think so. i'm tired of being irritated. today was better.

i slept along time last night. but not tonight.

i can't go to michigan this weekend. i'm really sad about that. i was really looking forward to seeing cory and listening to griffin house. oh well. maybe some other time. cory needs to call me. cory if you are reading this: call me.

my birthday is on sunday. i turn 21. i go to a monochromatic christian liberal arts college. i don't have any money. my roommates are leaving this weekend. my family is a 186,000 light years away. i think i'll be spending it by myself watching extreme makeover: home edition (the 2 hour premier) and studying for a rec exam. welcome to adulthood.

i sound emo. maybe i am. this is a really long post. i don't know why i'm typing it here. all of huntington college campus will read it and think i'm depressed, and think i'm going to commit suicide, and send me to the nurse to a get a magic cure all blue pill that works for everything, but doesn't actually work for anything. oh well. no one knows who i am anyway. i think i like things like that. but that only adds to the one dimensional plane that is my life.

i want it to snow. i like the snow.