Wednesday, September 22, 2004


i just realized that i don't have a life. and then i realized that i'm really ok with that.

i just realized that i'm probably going to fail my physics exam. and then i realized i'm really not ok with that.

i just realized that this blog is a frivolous waste of time. and then i realized that i'm glad.

i just realized i haven't gotten a job yet. and then i realized i really need to.

i just realized my roommates are amazing. and then i realized that i already new that.

i just realized that memories are amazing. and then i realized that sometimes they're not

i just realized that i'm more immature than even i thought. and then i realized that i'm more mature than even i thought.

i just realized that i almost had two panic attacks this week. and then i realized it's only tuesday.

i just realized that i'm stressed. and then i realized that would explain the panic attacks.

i just realized that i might be crazy. and then i realized that i don't know how i feel about that.

i just realized that i've never really realized anything before. and then i realized that i don't know what that means.

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