Thursday, February 08, 2007


Have you ever wondered how awful it would be to be a bobber. Stuck in the water, cursed to live a life of mediocrity. With the occasional tug under, or out of the water, but never having the ability to do it yourself. A slave to the fish and the fisherman, but not to your own will.

Life feels like that right now. Right this minute. Like all there is to live for is another day of bobbing to the wills of others. The fish and the fisherman. It's lonely being a bobber. Never having the opportunity to meet anyone else; living in either the stream or the tackle box. Only being used when someone wants something from you. Not being allowed to break from the water, and being pulled under time and time again.

We weren't created to be bobbers. Were we? This can't be all that life is about. To be stuck in the stream of life, only to be tugged around by those bigger than us. To be kept out of sight until...until...until what? I don't even know. It feels like it's going to be one of those months. Like September. Hopefully better. It must be better; I have to make it better. i'm done.

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