Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Apparently Spring has sprung. I haven't noticed because I've been living a bit of a vamprical existence lately. Leaving for work before dawn, coming home after dark. Locking myself in the apartment all day every weekend attempting to recuperate from the drudgery of the work week. Sucking the life out of those who are bold enough to approach. Not much of a life at the moment, but I guess things will slow down a bit soon, and then I can enjoy the sunshine and company of others like a normal human. Well maybe not normal, I don't think that I'll every really be considered that.

Unfortunately, I have nothing to say; profound or otherwise. This is really a post of obligation because I fear Carla's wrath if I procrastinate any longer. I was hoping to return to the blogging world with wise words. The best I can do is to quote Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: "To be pleased with ones limits is a wretched state.

Ponder that.


Anonymous said...

You are a vampire because of your sucky choice of movies to see at the $3 theatre....TWILIGHT?! Really! Haha!!! It's karma, ya know. Next thing you will realize is that gumballs will be falling from the sky.

We watched In Bruges finally last night. Its not that bad. Life has been insane here too, so don't feel bad. I love you and thanks for the post. My wrath is not nearly as fearful as you imply though....


Sarahhh said...

I'm glad you wrote too you goof.
