Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Down the river.

Ok, so I've got a meeting on Friday with my supervisor's supervisor, who is also the HR director. I told her that I wanted to "talk about my plans for this fall". Funny thing is I don't have any plans yet. I just felt like I needed to give myself a deadline, I guess that Deadline is Friday.

I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to say.

Probably something along the lines of:
1. As you are aware, I hate my job. Most days I'd rather have my nose eaten off by a pack of wolves then come in.
2. Because of this, I'm looking for a new job. Thought it would be nice to let you know.
3. No I haven't found anything yet, but I'm 97% sure that I want a new position.
4. I will let you know definitely by the end of April.
5. Yes, I know the Economy sucks. Yes, I know the unemployment rate is increasing. Yes, it does make me nervous. That's why I'm not quitting yet.
6. If I do quite, I will stay through the summer and the end of August. If the timing works out with the new job, I will stay to help set up some of the database, and train a new person. If not, well then I'm out and you suckas can learn to swim.
7. Yes, I know. Sometimes you have the right people on the wrong seats, but at least they are on the bus.
8. Yes. I suck at this job, and you don't want me to be here anymore anyway. I promise.

Of course I plan on saying this in a professional manner that will not include wolves or sarcasim or anything.

Ugh, I hate this crap. I think I'm getting an ulcer just thinking about it.

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