Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A random assortment of thoughts

Well, it is November 5. The day after the election, as I'm sure you are well aware. Obama has been elected president...and there was much rejoicing...yay. Well much rejoicing from my little corner of cyberspace, but perhaps, not from the entire country. A little traipse through facebook status' proves this point. Although I have refrained from any political talk, so far, I will say a little about my disappointment with most of the religious right. Perhaps most eludes to more than is really the problem; some of the religious right. In particular those who are so fearful of an Obama lead country that they forget that God is well aware of our tiny little country and our tiny little politics. He's prepared for Obama. Trust that his will is better than ours. Stop acting like you have giant a gherkin thrust up your backside. The more you segregate yourself from the leadership of our country, the more you divide our country. Don't blame the president if we can't be united. Blame yourself for not looking past differences and working together as a body. Moving on...

My story for NaNo WriMo is coming along...slowly. Perhaps way too slowly. At this point I'm approximately 6000 words behind schedule. I don't have anything to do tonight, so I'm hoping to catch up. Although I'm not really sure what's going to happen so Susan, so I'm finding it difficult to write.

In honor of NaNo WriMo, and in an effort to keep myself from being too distracted, I've decided not to read any books this month. This is a big step for me. I generally average 2-6 books a month. For the past two years. Going cold turkey might be a bit extreme, but so far it seems to be OK. I guess I'll have to see what kind of state I'm in at the end of the month. Maybe I can break my addiction to books, and return it to the hobby state. That would probably be a good thing.

I think I'm going to make it home for Thanksgiving this year. It would be the first time I've been home in almost a year. And the first thanksgiving with my family in two years...three years? I'm not sure. But it's been awhile. It would be good. Hopefully plane tickets will keep dropping, or at least stay the same until I get paid on Friday.

In other news, according to my mom, gas prices have dropped to an astonishing $1.98 in Northwest Ohio. How amazing!

California voters turned down a constitutional amendment to allow gay marriage. I'm not sure I should type how this makes me feel, but I hope someday we'll all be allowed to make our own choices, and our own mistakes. Gays and pregnant women included.

Ok, I said I wasn't going to talk politics, I guess I haven't done so well adhering to that claim. Maybe in the next post.

I just wrote 518 words in like 5 minutes. Why can't I do that with my NaNo? I'd be caught up in like an hour.

Ok, last piece of random information. I've discovered another new musician. Meaghan Smith. She sounds a lot like Nora Jones, except she has this amazing music video. Watch. Listen. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. What can I add to this...

I was rejoicing too. I voted! Yip yup. And my vote might have counted. It may have been one of the 1% that flipped Indiana from Republican to Democrat. That'd be cool...

In case you weren't aware of this part of me, I was a huge Martin Luther King Jr. fanatic growing up. Reading speeches, researching his life, even enjoying all the tales from that era of amazing people like Rosa Parks. I cried the day after the election.

Keep working on your story. You'll rock it. I know you will.

Glad you're going home for Turkey day. It makes me feel a little less guilty about hogging you and your visits. And gas here has dropped too. The best was at Walmart on Saturday. $1.94!

In regards to gay rights and abortion, I have some crazy mixed views too. We should chat about it. I just don't think that its a good reason to elect a president.

And, I was thinking about you yesterday when listening to my iPod at random. Beth Hart. I love Beth Hart, back from my high school days, and I don't know if I've ever shared that love with you, but I don't know why not because I think you would love her. It's some jazzy rock blues kinda stuff. I love her voice. Let me know.

Love ya girly!