Friday, June 27, 2008

A little drabble

‘Tell me about my mother.’

‘What do you want to know?’

‘Everything.’ She said looking up at him.

Her father reached down and scooped her up, into his arms. 'Your mother' he said, 'was like a moon beam. Full of light that could pierce the blackest night. She floated when she walked. Walking on air like she was made of star dust. Her hair was silver, and rippled when she laughed.' he sighed, a a far away look coming over him. 'Her eyes; her eyes sparkled like emeralds.’

Violet closed her eyes and pictured a beautiful beam of light fluttering through the darkness; taking the form of her mother, a smile tugging at her lips.

‘And she loved me?’, she asked looking at him once again.

‘More than anything. Sometimes in the middle of the night, I’d find her standing in your room, just watching you sleep. “I just had to see her”, she would say. “I want my dreams to be filled with wonderful things, and what is more wonderful than my Violet?”

‘Do you miss her?’ she asked, her voice cracking just a little.

‘Always. But not as much when I’m with you.’ He said, kissing the top of her head.

Violet smiled to herself and snuggled deeper into her father's chest.

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