Thursday, July 29, 2004

nothing but monkey business

so i think that for the first time in my life i understand the phrase, "working for the clock". never in my life have i had a job where so much of your mind is occupied by the time.  i'm not saying that i have a job that is completely dictated by time no no far from it.  rather i'm saying that my new job is factory work.  and i have never in my life been in an environment that seems so reminiscent of a cattle farm, managed not by a farm hand..........but by a mechanical time clock!   it's amazing to just watch the other employees.  they check the clock every five minutes to see how long to lunch:.......2 hrs.....1 1/2 hrs......1 hr.....10 minutes.   the check the clock to see how long till the shift is over....for when to clock in.....when to clock out.  and then, when  the clock finally gives permission to leave, it's like someone's holding a cattle prod to our butts as we RUN for the door.  the past two days have opened my eyes.  i don't want to live for my job. it feels like all i do is sleep and work.  because i work the afternoon shift i don't have time for my friends, i don't have time for family.....i can't imagine ever making this a career.  i've once heard it said that, and i quote: "a monkey could do this job!".  and it is so true.  i don't think that there is really anything more intellectually demeaning than factory work.  we are being paid to do what in other  parts of the country machines are doing.  machines without a brain, without feelings, and without pride.  yet we are expected to fulfill the job requirements with just as much speed and efficiency as it.  i've always been told that working in a factory would make me thankful for my education, and i thought that was probably just a bunch of malarky.....but it really is true.  just as corny and expected as it is.....working in a factory truly has made me thankful for the brief amount of education that i have so far been privileged enough to take on.  i will say this though........i think that those who choose to make factory life their career, really do deserve a lot of credit.  it takes a strong demeanor and a strong back to do something like that......a strength that i don't know that i can keep for much longer.

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